Old brickwork and modern metal give Trikåfabriken a grand elegant design without compromising the new buildings characteristics with an evolution of the design. There’s a fine balance between conservation and development, but this project is a brilliant example of how old and new material integrate naturally and elegant.

Foto: Felix Gerlach
To preserve the characteristics of a building and simultaneously evolve it, a great deal of focus was put on harmonizing material and colors. In this case, corten metal was combined with grand glass sections. The contrast is a perfect balance of old and new, without letting one side take over the other.
“The ambition where to have a transparent façade in the superstructure to the north, a big window that accentuate the contrast between the industrial metal sheet and the warmth of the internal wooden structure. The glass façade is unique and a close collaboration between the façade manufacturer and fire consultant where needed to reach the buildings fire safety requirements,” says Daniel De Soussa Barrera at Tengbom.
Thanks to WICTEC 50 and it´s adaptability, the project has been able to create a building where neither design nor function have been compromised.
Big window sections for maximum light exposure
The combination of a glass façade and thin profiles makes one of the floors appear almost as “floating” in the air. This works to great effect and really shows how good design, and the right material can co-operate in the best possible way. With WICLINE 75 from WICONA you get a building with thin and discrete glass elements that lets the maximum amount of light in while also keeping up with building regulations.
All of this harmonizes well with the building’s interior, where wood is used as the main material. As a design choice, all the wood has been kept to its natural color and is incorporated with the interior design. This gives an airy and natural feel to the interior.

Foto: Felix Gerlach
Courtyard turned into a portal to the sky
This is something that´s especially noticeable when you enter the building. Where there earlier was a courtyard, you´ll now find a big and open atrium, designed as a meeting spot for the building inhabitants. It creates a natural place for exchanging ideas and experiences, and drowns the space with natural light.
“The atrium turned out especially great. Our goal was to give the building a heart full of possibilities and flexibility. Where you earlier would find a loading dock, you´ll now find a gathering room filled with daylight, perfect for spontaneous meetings and interactions – a room that adapts during the day and the passing seasons” says Daniel De Soussa Barrera

Photo: Felix Gerlach
The roof terrace is also a natural place for gatherings. With an amazing view, it´s a perfect spot for a lunch break during the sunnier days of the year. Turn your eyes inwards the building and you´ll be greeted by the massive wooden beams that supports the roof and gives you a feeling of what an inspiring building it is.
Jonas Ericsson, CEO at Scandifronts says explains, “the glass ceiling lays on top of the atrium as a lid and integrates all the properties. This was a challenge since we had to expand one of the lower parts of the complex upwards to reach the same height as the rest of the buildings. Also, the usage of KL-certified wood where a challenge since, at the time of building, there wasn’t any clear regulations as to have you could use it. But we managed to find a solution and in the end it all turned out great.”
Trikåfabriken is a great example on how the old doesn’t always have to be compromised to build something new. With natural materials and recycled products, you end up with a building that will last for many years, without compromising on neither quality nor design.
WICONA-costumer: Scandifront
Architect: Tengbom
Photographer: Felix Gerlach