Adjiedj Bakas


In many ways the 2020s are a reprise of the 1920s. In that era garden cities emerged, where people could live in green environments, with gardens, large terraces, parks etc. The same is expected in the post-corona era. Reurbanisation will be major, large cities will shrink, many citizens migrate to rural regions where they can live, work from home part-time or full-time and where they anticipate living from lockdown to lockdown in a century of pandemics and social unrest. Small electric planes will enhance reurbanisation. Factories return from China: reshoring. And multi-generational homes will become trendy. Also communities of friends (= family, families of friends) can live together in order to beat loneliness.

Adjiedj Bakas (1963) is a highly acclaimed trendwatcher, author and speaker with roots in India, Latin-America and Europe. He researches financial, social, cultural, economic, technological and spiritual trends and interprets these for an array of clients. Bakas is a much sought-after speaker for conferences, strategy sessions and other business gatherings. He is captivating, stimulating, visionary, humorous, inspirational, challenging, and accessible. He is provocative but always positive, even in these times of economic decline, hence a favourite phrase is: ‘A kite rises highest when it flies against the wind.’


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