A WICLINE 65N alumínium ablak ideálisan alkalmazható speciális hőigény nélküli épületekhez. Ideális NSHEV-ként (természetes füst- és hőelvezető szellőztető) való használatra is.
System test results / CE product pass in accordance with EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016
Air permeability
Water tightness
Resistance to wind load
Operating forces
Repeated opening / closing
Burglar resistance
Quality assurance
Environmental management
Class 4
Class C5 / B5
Class 1
Class 2 (10 000 cycles)
WK1, WK2
Certified according to ISO 9001:2008
Certified according to ISO 14001
Technical peformance
Profile technology
- High quality aluminium profiles, without thermal break
- Patented corner and butt joint connection technology for high rigidity of frames and sashes
- Infill thickness up to 58 mm
- Concealed single-handed operated fittings, alternatively with:
- Visible hinges
- Concealed hinges
- Sash weight:
- Up to 100 kg
- Sash sizes (w x h): 1300 mm x 1700 mm
Additional designs non-insulated
- Window-doors / French doors
- NSHEV applications
- Burglar resistance
Compatible with the door series WICSTYLE 65N non-insulated